Navigating Pregnancy After Breast Augmentation Surgery

Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative journey, but it can bring questions and uncertainties for women who have undergone breast augmentation surgery. At Selarom Plastic Surgery in Salt Lake City, Utah, we understand these concerns and are here to guide you through this unique period of your life. In this blog, we explore navigating pregnancy after breast augmentation surgery through factors such as the placement of the implant, the type of implant, and your body composition can influence your experience during and after pregnancy. We also touch on the possibility of needing a follow-up surgery post-breastfeeding.

Implant Placement: Above or Below the Muscle

One of the first considerations for pregnant women with breast implants is the placement of the implants—whether they are positioned above or below the muscle. Each placement option offers different experiences during pregnancy and breastfeeding:

– Above the Muscle (Subglandular Placement): Implants placed above the muscle are positioned directly under the breast tissue. This placement may lead to less discomfort during pregnancy as the expanding breast tissue is not constrained by the pectoral muscle. However, this option might also result in more noticeable changes to the breast’s shape as the skin and tissue stretch.

– Below the Muscle (Submuscular Placement): Implants under the muscle provide a more natural appearance and are less likely to interfere with breastfeeding. The muscle provides additional coverage over the implant, which can help maintain the implant’s position and shape during the breast changes in pregnancy. However, this placement might cause more discomfort as the breasts enlarge and the muscles stretch.

Type of Implant: Silicone vs. Saline

The type of implant—silicone or saline—also plays a crucial role in how your breasts may react to pregnancy:

– Silicone Implants: Known for their natural feel, silicone implants are less likely to change shape or position significantly during pregnancy. However, it’s essential to monitor for any signs of implant rupture, although rare, which can be more difficult to detect in silicone compared to saline.

– Saline Implants: Saline implants, filled with sterile salt water, provide a firmer feel and are easier to monitor for leaks as any rupture leads to noticeable deflation. These implants might feel more sensitive to the pressure of expanding breasts during pregnancy.

Woman’s Body Composition

Your body composition, including the amount of natural breast tissue you have and your overall body fat percentage, can significantly impact how pregnancy affects your augmented breasts. Women with less natural breast tissue or lower body fat might notice more pronounced changes in their breast appearance during and after pregnancy. In contrast, those with more breast tissue or higher body fat may experience more subtle changes.

Considering Another Surgery Post-Breastfeeding

For some women, the physical changes that come with pregnancy and breastfeeding may lead to a desire or need for revision breast surgery. This is not uncommon and can address concerns such as changes in breast size, shape, or asymmetry that often occur after having children. Revision surgery is a personal choice and should be considered carefully in consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon.

Why You Should Discuss This with Dr. Rod Schmelzer

At Selarom Plastic Surgery, Dr. Rod Schmelzer is an expert in helping women navigate their aesthetic and reconstructive needs before, during, and after pregnancy. Discussing your specific situation with Dr. Schmelzer can provide you with tailored advice and peace of mind as you plan your family and look ahead to maintaining your desired appearance.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Understanding the nuances of how pregnancy can affect breast implants is crucial for planning and peace of mind. We invite you to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Schmelzer to discuss your particular circumstances and any concerns you may have about pregnancy after breast augmentation. Contact us at 801-743-0700 or click here. At Selarom Plastic Surgery, we are dedicated to supporting you throughout your journey to ensure the best outcomes for your health and satisfaction.

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