
How Long Do Saline Implants Last?

How Long Do Saline Implants Last? Everything You Need to Know

If you’ve been considering breast augmentation or already have saline implants, you may be wondering, “How long do saline implants last?” Understanding the lifespan of your implants and when you might need to consider replacement is essential for maintaining your health and appearance. At Selarom Plastic Surgery in Salt Lake City, Utah, Dr. Rod Schmelzer provides expert advice and guidance for women who want to enhance their figure or maintain the results of their previous breast augmentation.

The Lifespan of Saline Implants

Saline implants are a popular choice for breast augmentation, thanks to their natural look and feel, as well as their safety. Typically, saline implants are designed to last up to 20 years; however, this doesn’t mean that they will always need to be replaced at the 20-year mark. Many women find that their implants continue to look great and function well beyond this timeframe.

However, it’s worth noting that up to 20% of women choose to replace their implants within 10 years. This could be due to personal preference, changes in the body over time, or medical reasons such as implant rupture or capsular contracture. Regular check-ups with your plastic surgeon are important for monitoring the condition of your implants and ensuring they continue to meet your aesthetic goals.

What Affects the Lifespan of Saline Implants?

Several factors can influence how long your saline implants will last, including:

Implant Integrity: While saline implants are known for their durability, they are not immune to wear and tear. Over time, the outer shell of the implant may weaken, leading to a slow leak or rupture. If a rupture occurs, the saline solution is safely absorbed by the body, but the affected breast will noticeably deflate and require replacement.

Capsular Contracture: This is a condition where the scar tissue around the implant tightens, causing the implant to feel firm or hard. In some cases, this can also affect the appearance of the breast and may require revision surgery to correct the issue.

Changes in Your Body: Pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and the natural aging process can all impact the appearance of your breasts. While your saline implants may still be intact, you might choose to replace or adjust them to better suit your body’s current shape and size.

Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Saline Implants

If you’ve had saline implants for several years, it’s important to be aware of the signs that indicate it might be time to consider replacement or revision surgery. Some common indicators include:

Visible Changes in Size or Shape: If you notice that one or both breasts have changed in size or shape, this could be a sign of implant rupture or shifting within the breast pocket.

Hardening or Tightness: Capsular contracture can cause the breast to feel unusually firm or tight, and in severe cases, it may cause discomfort or pain.

Rippling or Wrinkling: Some women with saline implants may experience visible rippling or wrinkling of the implant, especially in those with thinner breast tissue. This can often be corrected with implant replacement or by switching to silicone implants, which tend to have a smoother appearance.

Desire for a Different Size or Shape: Over time, your aesthetic preferences may change. Many women choose to replace their implants to achieve a different size, shape, or to switch from saline to silicone for a more natural feel.

How Long Does Replacement Surgery Take?

If you need or choose to replace your saline implants, the procedure is typically faster and less invasive than the initial augmentation surgery. In many cases, implant replacement surgery can be completed in about 1 to 2 hours under general anesthesia. Recovery time is also shorter than your original surgery, with most patients returning to work and normal activities within 1 to 2 weeks.

During your consultation, Dr. Schmelzer will discuss your options for replacement and help you determine the best course of action for your individual needs.

Why Choose Dr. Rod Schmelzer at Selarom Plastic Surgery?

Dr. Rod Schmelzer is a board-certified plastic surgeon with years of experience helping women achieve their ideal look with breast augmentation and implant replacement. His personalized approach ensures that your surgery is tailored to meet your aesthetic goals while maintaining the highest standards of safety and care. Whether you’re considering saline implants for the first time or you’re ready for a replacement, Dr. Schmelzer’s expertise and compassionate care will guide you through every step of the process.

Schedule a Free Consultation Today

If you’re curious about how long your saline implants will last or if you’re ready to discuss replacement options, Dr. Schmelzer and the team at Selarom Plastic Surgery are here to help. Call 801-743-0700 today to schedule your free consultation or book your appointment online for added convenience. During your consultation, Dr. Schmelzer will thoroughly assess your implants, answer any questions you have, and provide personalized recommendations for maintaining or enhancing your results.

Be sure to follow Selarom Plastic Surgery on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok for the latest updates, patient success stories, and special promotions!


While saline implants are designed to last up to 20 years, the reality is that some women choose to replace their implants sooner due to personal preferences or changes in their body. If you’re noticing changes in the size or shape of your implants, or you simply want to explore your options for enhancing your look, the team at Selarom Plastic Surgery in Salt Lake City, Utah, is here to guide you through the process. Don’t wait—set up your free consultation with Dr. Schmelzer today and take the first step toward achieving your aesthetic goals!

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